Programme SAP FICSTC00 - Extract from Step Consolidation

Extract from Step Consolidation

Another method of data transfer is the extract from step consolidation.
This method reads and aggregates the values of a consolidation group ina multi-level group. Then, the pre-consolidated statement data isposted to another consolidation group as individual financial statementdata for the target consolidation unit.

The program is started:

  • directly or

  • from within the data monitor. Here, two options are available:

  • Fully automatic start using "Update"
    A prerequisite is that form routine USER_SENDING_PARAM_DEF" isactivated and loaded with the source information (source consolidationgroup and version).
    You start in the context menu (right mouse button) with "Start withselection screen" and switch over to change mode. Then the sourceinformation is specified on the selection screen.In this case, the formroutine is not required.

    The source consolidation group must be closed.Otherwise, you are warnedthat the data may contain errors.
    The target consolidation unit must be open.
    The local currency of the target consolidation unit must be the same asthe group currency of the source consolidation group.

    The program reads all data records in the totals database that belongto the specified source consolidation group. The program processes allconsolidation units that reside beneath the consolidation group in thehierarchy.
    The dimension, fiscal year and period, and the consolidation chart ofaccounts are all the same for the source and target data.
    The source and target versions can be different.
    The data is condensed and posted to the target consolidation unit asfollows:

    • The source consolidation units are replaced with the target
    • consolidation unit.
      • The posting level is compressed to 00.

      • The document type is set to spaces.

      • The local currency of the target consolidation unit is set to the group
      • currency of the source consolidation group. If the local and groupcurrencies are equal, the group currency is also set.


        • Consolidation Group T1

        • T1000
          ST001 (Extract from Step Consolidation)
          • Consolidation Group T2 (source consolidation group)

          • S1000
            In this example, the data of consolidation units S1000, S2000 and S3000are read, condensed and posted as individual statement data toconsolidation unit ST001.