Programme SAP FIBL_RPCODE_CDSHOW - Change Documents for Repetitive Codes

Change documents for repetitive codes

Yo can use this program to display a list of the change documents forrepetitive codes.

To be able to display change documents you must have the correspondingauthorization (authorization object F_RPCODE).


You can select according to local bank, company code, repetitive code,change date and person who last changed the data. Using a special sortindicator select the order in which the system is to list thedocuments.

You can, for example, receive the following information on the changes:

  • Field name

  • Short description of the field

  • Old value

  • New value

  • Please note that there is no special field for the repetitive coderelease status in the list. You can recognize the release has beencarried out in that both fields released by and release date
    have been filled. If neither of these fields contains an entry thenno release has been carried out or it has been reversed.