Programme SAP FDM_COLL_SEND_ITEMS - Sending of FI-AR-Relevant Data to Collections Management

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The report distributes relevant data from Accounts ReceivablesAccounting in Collections Management.

If Collections Management and Accounts Receivable Accounting are indifferent systems, you have processed ALE distribution in Customizing.

You usually run the program once with the option Initial DataTransfer (initial load transaction). In doing this, you transfer thecompany codes defined in Customizing that participate in ReceivablesProcessing using the component SAP Collections Management . Youthen run the program regularly with the option Periodic DataTransfer. In this case, only data that has been changed isconsidered. You use the option Data Transfer According to Selection
in exception situations to recreate certain customers or companycodes.
IF &[SWITCH]FDM_SFWS_UI_HOB& = 'X'.In this context, note programFDM_COLL_MAINTAIN_BR_HEAD.
Note that parallel processing or parallel sending of data is notpossible.

The result of the program run is logged in the applicationlog (object FIDM, subobject FIDM_SEND).

  • The problem class Important contains reports of errors that
  • occurred during transmission of data.
    • The problem class Additional Information contains, for example,
    • statistics about the number of company codes and customers processed.
      • You can delete entries of the application log that you
      • no longer require.
        To extend the current display variant in the list output, or select adifferent one, choose Settings -> Layout. To configure the list,you can use the functions of the SAP List Viewer (ALV GridControl). For more information about the list output, see the input helpfor the text field.