Programme SAP FDM_COLL_POST_MIRROR - Posting of Substitute Documents

With this program you can create documents in the substitute system. Thedocument raw data from table FDM_DOC_MIRROR is used as the basis forthis, which has been created with the program forTransferring Document Data from OriginalSystems (FDM_COLL_GET_DOCUMENTS).
You can always choose between the following two procedures:

  • You use the program for Transferring Document Data from Original
  • Systems (FDM_COLL_GET_DOCUMENTS) both to create the raw data and alsoto post the documents in the substitute system. In this case you do notneed the program being described here.
    • You use the program for Transferring Document Data form Original
    • Systems (FDM_COLL_GET_DOCUMENTS) to create the raw data only, withoutposting it. In this case, you later create the documents using thisprogram. This division of processing can be advantageous with mass dataor for analyzing errors.

      Before you execute this program, the following prerequisites must befulfilled:

      • You have set up the current client as a
      • Substitute System.
        • You have executed the program for Transferring Document Data from
        • Original Systems (FDM_COLL_GET_DOCUMENTS) in an update run andtherefore created new raw data, but without posting.

          You select the company codes and customers for which you want to createor update documents from the raw data.

          The system creates a list of raw data processed and the application log.