Purpose You use this program to subsequently fill the consolidationtransaction type> (RMVCT>) field for new General LedgerAccounting. This can be necessary in the following circumstances:
- In new General Ledger Accounting, you want to create an aggregated
report on changes in tangible assets.
- For this, you need the consolidation transaction type>. The
consolidation transaction type is part of the scenarios Preparationsfor Consolidation> and Segment Reporting for Fixed Assets>. However, you have not previously assigned either of these scenarios toyour ledger. You use this program to ensure that the asset portfolios (balance sheetaccounts for APC as well as value adjustment accounts) produce acomplete, cumulated opening balance after balance carryforward in thefollowing year. For each company code and ledger, you assign aconsolidation transaction type> to any asset portfolios that didnot previously have one.Prerequisites The following prerequisites must be met:
- You use new General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL (New)) >and Asset
Accounting (FI-AA)> in your production system.