Programme SAP FAGL_REORG_REASSIGN - Reassignment

You can use this program to change the account assignments for a packageof a reorganization plan. On the basis of the object list in thepackage, the system changes the general ledger attribute to bereorganized (here, the profit center) for all material-plantcombinations classified as relevant.

The following prerequisites apply to the reorganization package:

  • The package of the reorganization plan exists.

  • The package contains the objects to be reorganized (that is, at least
  • one object is classified as relevant)
    • You have created the snapshot for the affected objects.

    • To create the snapshot, you use the programCreation of a Snapshot (FAGL_REORG_SNAPSHOT)
      You have to set the account assignment change to apply after thereorganization date. Moreover, the previous period (the period that endsdirectly before the reorganization date) must be closed.

      You specify the reorganization plan and the reorganization package forwhich you want to make the account assignment change.
      The program can be performed in a test run or an update run. Update runsshould be performed in the background because they can have very longruntimes. By performing update runs in the background, you ensure thatthe process is not terminated due to a time out.
      If you set the Log Errors Only indicator, only error messages aredisplayed in the execution log; warning messages, information messages,and success messages are suppressed.
      The system processes the objects successively. If the account assignmentchange terminates for individual objects due to errors, the accountassignment change is first performed for the objects that do not containerrors. Once the incorrect settings have been corrected, you can applythe account assignment change to the objects that have not yet beenprocessed in a second run.
      A goods receipt is posted for a material that is to be reorganized. Forthis reason, the material master is locked against changes. You performthe account assignment change in an update run. A error message is shownin the log for this material, and all other materials are processed.Once the lock has been removed off the material, the account assignmentin this material master is changed when the account assignment change isrun again. In this way, the account assignment change is complete.
      The system changes the status of the package to 40 (Change to MasterData Completed) once all objects classified as relevant havebeen processed.

      The log displays the following:

      • All messages or, if you have set the Log Errors Only indicator,
      • only error messages
        • The number of objects processed successfully

        • The number of objects with errors