Purpose You can use this program to carry forward plan balances in the generalledger or any other ledger to the new fiscal year. Prerequisites
- Cumulative plan data entry for the general ledger must be active in the
client used. Activate Cumulative Plan Data Entry for theGeneral Ledger>
- For P&L accounts, retained earnings accounts to which all P&L accounts
are summarized need to have been defined. Define Retained Earnings Account>Features The program can be executed multiple times. Unlike balance carryforward for actual data, it is necessary to repeatexecution of the program all the while the plan periods of the oldfiscal year are open for plan data entry. Postings to the prior fiscalyear are not> carried forward to the current fiscal yearautomatically if you have already performed balance carryforward for thecurrent fiscal year.Selection
- Specify the necessary parameters (such as ledger, fiscal year, and
company code) for the balance carryforward.
- If you set the Test Run> indicator, the program simulates the
balance carryforward but does not> make any changes in thedatabase.
- Make settings for the output log, if desired.
Output With the standard settings, the program performs balance carryforward asfollows:
- The balance sheet accounts are transferred with all additional account
- P&L accounts are carried forward to the retained earnings account
Additional account assignments are not> transferred. Transactioncurrencies are no longer applicable and are summarized in localcurrency.