Programme SAP FAGL_FC_TRANSLATION - Currency Translation

This program allows you to valuate the balances of anadditional currency (2nd or 3rd local currency) on the basis of USGAAP or ISRS (IAS).


  • Open items and balances of the first local currency need to have been
  • valuated with the program Foreign CurrencyValuation(FAGL_FC_VALUATION) for the postings generated with the program to beconsidered.
    • Account determination for the currency translation
    • must be defined in Customizingfor Financial Accounting (New).
      For this, use the IMG activityDefine Account Determination for CurrencyTranslation
      On the basis of the financial statement version, you can definedifferent exchange rate types for each financial statement item andthereby different exchange rates for the valuation.

1000955ERP: Error GLT0 003 for report FAGL_FC_TRANSLATION
1003485FAGL_FC_VAL: Error 00 349 - Field BSEG-MWSKZ does not exist