Purpose You use this program when switching from the account approach to theledger approach. During migration phase 1, a temporary target ledger group is assigned tothe depreciation area that needs to be assigned to the subsequentlyimplemented ledger. The originally assigned account determination isstill used to determine accounts for the temporary target ledger group. With the program Store Old AccountDetermination for FI-AA During Migration (FAGL_COPY_OLD_DETERMINATION) >, all account determinations in Asset Accounting that are relevantfor the migration plan are stored in table FAGL_HST_T095>. After migration phase 1, all depreciation documents that were postedduring the transition phase are reposted to the new accountdetermination and to the new ledger. For this, you have used the programTransfer All Depreciation Documents AfterMigration with New Account Determination (FAGL_MIG_AFA_POST).> Once the migration has been completed, you can use this program todelete the old account assignment from the system. Running this programis optional.Prerequisites You have run the following reports: