Programme SAP FAGL_ALE_SEND - Totals Document Transfer (New General Ledger Accounting)

You use this program in the ALE distribution scenario FI-GL (New),Transfer of Totals and Single Documents in Distributed Systems totransfer documents in aggregated form.
Documents for which the following prerequisites are met can betransferred in aggregated form:

  • The documents do not contain accounts for which the Account
  • Managed in External System indicator is set in the master record.
    • The documents do not contain any account assignments for customer
    • and vendor accounts or for tax accounts.
      • The documents do not originate from day ledgers. (Due to technical
      • restrictions, it is not possible to transfer documents inaggregated form from day ledgers.)
        All documents that cannot be transferred in aggregated form aretransferred to the central system individually.
        The single document transfer is performed automatically at the time ofposting. You have to start aggregated document transfer explicitly withthis program.

        You can influence how individual documents are summarized with theBusiness Add-In BAdI: Clear FieldsBefore Document Aggregation (FAGL_ALE_SEND_CLEAR_FIELDS).

        You have made the Customizing settings for the distribution scenarioFI-GL (New), Totals Document and Single Document Transfer inDistributed Systems in the sender and receiver systems. For moreinformation, see the Implementation Guide for ALE underActivate Distribution Scenario for EachCompany Code.

        You can influence which documents are summarized in an aggregateddocument by restricting the summarization to specific parameter values (
        Ledger, Company Code, Fiscal Year, Posting Period).
        The aggregated document transfer is performed for only one ledger
        To improve system performance, you can run the document transfer ondifferent application servers in multiple processes.
        To simulate the document transfer, choose the Test Run option.