Programme SAP EXAMPLE_PNP_GET_PAYROLL - Example Program for Reading Payroll Results Using GET PAYROLL

Sample Program for Using the Logical Database PNP to Evaluate PayrollResults (EXAMPLE_PNP_GET_PAYROLL).

This report evaluates payroll results made available by the logicaldatabase PNP. The logical database PNP reads the transparent tablesHRPY_RGDIR and HRPY_WPBP. To evaluate old payroll results from Releasesbefore 4.6A, you can fill the tables with the report H99U_RGDIR_WPBP.
For more information, see the release noteLogical Database for Payroll Results


The report must have the following attributes:

  • Logical database: PNP

  • Selection screen version: 900 Selection screen for the payroll
  • results
    • HR Report Class for Payroll PY_DEF or a customer report class.
    • Select the Payroll Report Class function.

      Use Organizational Structure to select the organizational unitto be evaluated. In the Period groups, you can delimit theperiod to be evaluated. If you select the field Apply CDevaluations to in-periods , the current parameter (A, P, O) willonly be taken into consideration, after the CD_Evaluation_Periods
      module has selected the payroll results. In the Selectiongroup, you can delimit the employee subgroup to be evaluated.
      The complex PAYROLL structure is filled out at the time of GET PAYROLL.The current PAYROLL structure is declared in the program. Thestructures take on the form payxx_result (xx stands for the countryabbreviation, for example, DE = Deutschland).
      Be aware that this will only be triggered for personnel numbers with apayroll result in the respective xx cluster at the time of GET PAYROLL.The structure pay99_result is an exception and only contains the partof the structure that applies internationally. If the PAYROLL node withpay99_result is declared, the international part is read for allpayroll results and processed in GET PAYROLL.