Programme SAP EWUWTLS - EMU: Optimizing Control Table Entries Using EWUWT

This program optimizes the control tables using the tables and currencytypes used in the system.
During the FILL phase of the local currency changeover, severalprograms analyze the currency types and corresponding currencies usedin the system. The information on which currency types are used in thesystem is stored in table EWUWT. This table is used by program EWUWTLSas an entry value for optimization. There are three possible scenarios:
Table EWUWT contains NO entry for a currency type. This means that thecurrency type is not implemented in this system, or that it onlyappears with currency keys that are not participating in EMU and towhich the changeover does not therefore apply. It follows that none ofthe fields belonging to this currency type need be changed over. Thisprogram therefore deletes the control information for these fields fromthe control tables.
Table EWUWT contains an entry for a given currency type, and a currencykey is specified in the record. This means that the currency type isused in one way only in the system and is one of the currenciesparticipating in EMU. In this case, in every control table wherecurrency determination is defined for a currency key of this currencytype, this currency determination is shortened by using the (unique)currency key in table EWUWT.
If, for a given currency type, an entry exists in table EWUWT but nocurrency key is specified, this means that the currency type occurs inthe system with different currency keys. For this reason, optimizationis not possible. Instead, for those fields that belong to this currencytype, the corresponding currency key must be determined during thechangeover, as defined in the control tables. This program thereforeleaves the control information for these fields unchanged.

In the GENERATION phase of the local currency changeover, this programruns prior to all other programs in this phase.
Note that this program modifies the control table entries of thechangeover package. If you carry out this program twice for the samechangeover package, this does not lead to errors, but is not advisable.This is because when you carry out this program, those control tablesthat the program uses as input data are modified. This program isunable to carry out any further optimization using modified controldata from a previous program run.

The loading program modifies control tables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUTM,EWUTMP, and EWUTF.