Programme SAP EWUTSLLO - EMU: Entries in table EWUTSL

The TSL fields in Special Purpose Ledger tables must be translated forcertain combinations of ledger, company code or global company, andaccount number.
This program determines these combinations and saves them inorganizational table EWUTSL.
Logic for determining the combinations:
The following checks are made for all ledgers (table T881):
Does the ledger carry transaction currency (T881-TRCUR as well asT800A- TRCUR)? If no -> done
If yes -> Is update currency (ACCIT-PSWBT) in TSL carried over (tableT800M)?
If no -> done
If yes -> Is a transaction relevant to accounting assigned (tablesT886A/B/C)?
If no -> done
If yes -> go over all company codes or global companies assigned to aledger (tables T882 or T882C) and all accounts from this company code(table SKB1) with indicator SKB1-XSALH = 'X' and make entries inSKB1-SAKNR or SKB1-ALTKT or SKA1-BILKT in EWUTSL-RACCT depending on thechart of accounts assigned to the ledger (table T882 or T882C).
The company code currency (not the document currency) would be updatedin field group TSL for just these combinations of ledger/company code(global company)/account. As a result, field group TSL must also betranslated as part of Euro conversion for these combinations.

This program must run in the FILL phase of local currency changeover.
You can run the program more than once.

The program enters those field combinations in table EWUTSL for whichthe TSL fields in the Special Purpose Ledger tables have to beconverted. The program writes the results in a log that you can viewwith the procedure monitor.