Programme SAP EWUSUM01 - Search Engine for User-Defined Developments for the Euro

Program EWUSUM01 looks for customer-specific developments and lets youconvert these during the local currency changeover. The selected tablesare added to the list of tables for the local currency changeover. Thisensures that conversion programs can be generated for these tables aswell.
The program is started when you call up the following functions:

  • Find currencies in program texts (EWK1)

  • Find currencies in Screen Painter screens (EWK2)

  • Find fields to be converted in the ABAP dictionary (EWK0)

  • Select and assign conversion rules (EWK3)

  • Transfer selection (EWK4)

  • To be able to assign the selected data to the correct changeoverpackage the system determines the active package.
    Then it checks the user's authorization for the authorization objectS_EURO.
    The system saves the data for each selection immediately in tableEWUCUPAKET, and makes it available each time from there.
    The following additional functions are available:
    • Delete the data from an old package (after selection)

    • List the data selected (after selection)

    • List the data processed (after processing)

    • Transport the data processed (for example, from a test system to the
    • live system)

      Find fields to be converted in the ABAP Dictionary
      With this function, you can search your tables for fields that arecurrency-related.
      The first selection screen lets you limit the search:
      SAP standard options:

      • Table types: all except VIEW, INTTAB, and APPEND

      • Data type: CURR Reference field: none

      • Domain:

      • WAERS
        You can find the description of table type, data type, reference field,and domain for your customer-specific tables and fields in the ABAPDictionary.
        • Tables already taken into account in the SAP standard system are locked
        • out of the selection:
          Matchcode objects
          Cost collector tables
          EC-EIS tables
          FI-SL tables
          CO-PA tables
          HR tables
          EMU development classes
          Fields that are already taken into account in the standard changeoverpackage (EWUCUCHK: populated by SAP and delivered to the customerdependent on release)

          Special treatment of KEY-UPDATE
          If a field to be converted is contained in the key of a table, aconfirmation prompt appears, where you need to decide the following:

          • If no double keys arise during conversion of this field:

          • The uniqueness of the key if ensured by other fields
            • If double keys arise, their values can be added -- the SUM-UP logic can
            • apply here:
              An entry is created in table EWUTF for this as well (SUM-UP and NOVIEWflags)
              • If double keys arise, their values cannot be added -- the SUM-UP
              • logic cannot apply here:
                You need to write a special program. The entire table is notadded to the EMU tables.
                After making a decision, you can change it again later when you assignthe conversion rules.
                Before saving the tables in the list of tables, the system checks againwhether a decision has really been made.

                Conversion rules
                The conversion rule is predefined with


                • CONVERT_CUKEY: for domain WAERS

                • CONVERT_BP_LEDNR: for domain LEDNR_BP

                • CONVERT_SV: for data type CURR

                • When you save, any changes that have been made are entered intable EWUCUPAKET.
                  You can call the search function repeatedly. The system extends thenumber of hits each time accordingly.
                  When you delete the displayed list, the system only deletes thosetables that directly belong to the search function: EWUCUPAKET,EWUFZSF, EWUFZPSF, EWUTMSF, and EWUTMPSF.

                  Searching for currencies in program texts
                  This function enables you to search for particular character strings inyour own programs and then process the programs.
                  The system calls up the SAP standard function Global search inthe background: function modules RS_EDTR_SEARCH andRS_NAVIGATION_MONITOR_ACTIVATE. Documentation is available there.
                  This search function shows the results and lets you navigate directlyto the ABAP program.

                  Searching for currencies in Screen Painter screens
                  Using this function, you can search screens for a particular characterstring. The function calls up transaction SE16 for table D021T. Itskips over the initial screen where you normally enter the table name.The search function only displays the resulting list.

                  Choosing and assigning conversion rules
                  This function lets you process the resulting list. When you save, thesystem updates tables EWUFZSF, EWUFZPSF, EWUTMSF, and EWUTMPSF.

                  Transfer selection
                  This function transfers the selected table names and table fields tothe active changeover package for the local currency conversion.
                  The entries in tables EWUFZSF, EWUFZPSF, EWUTMSF and EWUTMPSF aretransferred to tables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUTM und EWUTMP.

                  Tables with special programs
                  If an SAP standard table for which a special program has been delivered(see EWUTABCT) has been modified in your system, you cannot processthis table here. You need to modify the special program or have an SAPconsultant do this.
                  If you detect any errors in the display, you can go through theselection sequence backwards and make changes as you go.