Programme SAP EWUMMPRS_40 - MVAR: re-calculation of prices in accounting segment

Report for calculating the moving average price from stock value andstock quantity in the valuation segment for Materials Management.(Tabelle MBEW).
This report is used to resolve any inconsistencies that may arise fromthe conversion from local currency to the euro.

The report should be run in the postprocessing phase (RECON phase).During this phase, it can be started without using other reports.However, while the report is being run, you should not carry out anyvaluation-relevant postings for materials, as the report does not blockthe valuation segments. Due to the length of time it takes to run thereport, it should be started in the background.

216783EWUMMPRS: Different price through changeover to the euro
205695Differnces after local crcy changeovers for S-price