Programme SAP EWUMMCHK_40 - Report for Balance Comparison between MM and FI after EURO Conversion

This report is linked to the standard report RM07MBST
(list of stock values: balance display). The system compares thetotal of the values of the material valuation segments for a stockaccount with the balance of this stock account and outputs thedifference.
If multiple currencies are managed in G/L accounting and the materialledger is active in the company code, the comparison is carried out inall currencies.
The differences for each G/L account in each company code should bezero.
Reconciliation between MM and FI is carried out at company code leveland G/L account level, not at business area level.

The report should be run in the analysis phase (before the actualconversion). During this phase, it can be started without using otherreports. However, while the report is being run, you should not carryout any valuation-relevant postings for materials, as the report doesnot block the valuation segments. Due to the length of time it takes torun the report, it should be started in the background.

If the report finds differences between valuation in MaterialsManagement and Financial Accounting, the report status is set to 'ERR'and the conversion is not allowed.
To analyse the differences in local currency, you can run the reportRM07MBST. The documentation for this report lists several of the causesof differences.
If you have exhausted this possibility, you should contact the SAPhotline in the event of another error.
To analyse the differences in multiple currencies, you can use thereport ML_ADJUST_FI, which you start in test run session.