Programme SAP EWUMACOP - Copy Standard Package from Client 000

Program EWUMACOP copies a complete standard package from client 000into another client. It is the first step for a local currencychangeover.
If the package specified already exists, the old package isoverwritten. The old table contents are deleted before the overwritingprocess begins.
The EMU variants are also copied from client 000 into the currentclient at the beginning of the program.
All EMU table contents are copied into the new package afterwards. Theempty standard tables EWUPGSTAT and EWUPGTAB are also filled here fromthe source tables EWUPGCT and EWUTABCT.
EWUPGSTAT: Contains all programs per phase with the runtime data atruntime
EWUPGTAB: Contains the determined sizes of the tables to be converted

The program is not allowed to run in client 000.

The EMU tables are filled with the new package data.