Programme SAP EWULISLS - EMU: Load Control Tables with LIS Objects

The program analyzes the tables from the LIS, that is tables S000 toS999 and S000E to S999E providing they exist in the system. The programtakes both the standard tables (those wiith a number of less than 500)as well as the customer-specific tables (those with a number more than500) into consideration.
The program determines the control information needed for the localcurrency changeover for these tables and adds it to the control tables.

The program is started in the FILL phase of the local currencychangeover.
If you want to run the program several times for the same changeoverpackage, the old results in the control tables will be overwritten bythe results currently determined.

The program fills tables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUTM, EWUTMP and EWUTF withcontrol information for the LIS tables. The program writes a log whichyou can display using the procedure monitor.