Programme SAP EWUFISLS - EMU: Fill Control Tables from EUROFISL_T

The program generates the control information for Special Ledgertables. To do this, it uses the contents of table EURIFISL_T as input.

The program is started automatically in the FILL phase of the localcurrency changeover.
Program EWUFISLT which, among other things, fills table EUROFISL_T musthave been run successfully beforehand.
If you want to run the program several times for the same changeoverpackage, the old results will be overwritten per table rather than as awhole. This way, control information for tables which was generatedduring an earlier program run but which is no longer relevant duringthe current run can remain in the control tables.

The program fills tables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUTM, EWUTMP and EWUTF withcontrol information for the Special Ledger tables. The program writes alog which you can display using the procedure monitor.