Programme SAP EWUEISLS - EMU: Load Control Tables with EIS Objects

This program determines the tables that are created with EIS. Thenecessary changeover information is inserted in the control tables ofthe local currency changeover for these customer-specific tables.
More precisely, this program edits the tables whose names begin with"CF" and which end with a three-digit number (the aspect).

The program must run in the FILL phase of the local currencychangeover.
If you start the program several times for the same changeover package,the older results are completely overwritten with the current results.
The program also generates control table entries for tables T27*.
Caution: The program cannot recognize if currency keys in an aspect aremanaged in a user-defined field. You can find more information on thisin the online documentation for the local currency changeover.
If the check table of a characteristic with a currency key has morethan two key fields, then they cannot be considered in the conversion.

The program fills tables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUTM, EWUTMP and EWUTF withentries for the EIS tables.
The program creates a log that you can look at using the proceduremonitor.
In the reports, selected number displays and exceptions must beadjusted where necessary. Predefined currency translations (transfertoolbox and reports) are superfluous after the changeover to the euro.You can find more information on this in the Customizing sectionCleanup.

824995LCC: Gen. questions/answers about local currency changeover
1256448EC-EIS-DB: Changeover to euro in Unicode system