Programme SAP EWUEISLO - EMU: Loading of tables EWUEIS, EWUWT with EIS objects

The program determines the check tables for the EIS characteristics andtheir currencies. The version currency with the currency type VW (NOTfor release 4.0), the aspect currency with currency type AS (ONLY forrelease 4.0), the key figure currency with currency type KF and thereference currencies with currency type E1 to E9 are affected.
Currencies determined in this way are saved in table EWUEIS as long asthey are relevant for the changeover, meaning that they represent aparticipating currency.
In addition, entries are generated for the EWUWT check table for thecurrency types mentioned above.

The program must run in FILL phase of the local currency changeover,meaning the active changeover packet must be in this phase if theprogram is started.
The program may be executed several times.
Note: If currency keys are to be managed in a user-defined field in anaspect, the program does not recognize this. You can find furtherinformation about this in the online documentation for the localcurrency changeover.
If the check table of a characteristic with currency key has more thantwo key fields then they cannot be maintained in the conversion.

The program fills the organization table EWUEIS.
The program does not create an output on the screen, rather writes alog in the log file. This can be displayed with the help of theprocedure monitor.

824995LCC: Gen. questions/answers about local currency changeover
1256448EC-EIS-DB: Changeover to euro in Unicode system