Programme SAP EWUCOPC_40 - EWWU: Load Control Tables for CO-PC Tables (Release 4.0C)

This report program determines the tables in CO-PA that containrelevant tables for the conversion. The report determines whichoperating concerns are used in the system and are specified in tableTKEB.
If necessary, control entries are added to the tax tables of the localcurrency changeover for the associated tables and fields.
The affected tables are:

  • Tables that begin with CE0, CE1, CE2, or CE3 and end with the name of
  • an operating concern
    • The tables of the summarization levels that begin with K81 or K82
    • Precondition
      The report program must be run in the phase PREP-D of the localcurrency changeover.
      If the report program is run more than once for the same changeoverpackage, the old results are overwritten with the new results eachtime.

      The report program adds tax information for the CO-PA tables to the taxtables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUTM, EWUTMP, and EWUTF for the activechangeover package.
      A log is created that you can view using the procedure monitor.