Programme SAP EWUCOOLO - EMU: Load Tables EWUCOO, EWUWT with CO Objects

The program determines the Controlling objects used and the respectiveobject currency. The corresponding FM area currency and/or company codecurrency and/or controlling area currency are also determined for eachobject type.
The objects found in this way are stored with their currencies in theEWUCOO organization table.

The program must run in the FILL phase of the local currencychangeover.
It is also started in the ANALYZE phase to draw your attention to anypossible problems with the Controlling objects. During this run, noresults are updated to table EWUCOO but merely a forecast of the actualprocessing in the FILL phase is delivered. For this, look at the logoutput using the procedure monitor and analyze any warning messagesthere may be.
You can run the program more than once. As long as results are written,any results which may exist from a previous run are completelyoverwritten.

The currency determination results are saved in the EWUCOO organizationtable in table EWUWT.
The program writes a log to the log file rather than generating anyentries on the screen. You can display this log using the proceduremonitor.

1539473LCC optimization - General questions/answers (FAQ)
1179627LCC - Error during changeover of the BP tables