Programme SAP EWUAFALO - EMU: Load Tables EWUAFABE and EWUWT for Depreciation Areas

The program determines the currencies for the depreciation areas usedin the system on the basis of the entries in Customizing table T093B.
The depreciation areas with your currencies are stored in theorganization table EWUAFABE under currency type 15 (= depreciation areacurrency), providing that the currency is taking part in thechangeover.
An entry for this currency type is also added to the EWUWT controltable.

The program must run in the ANALYZE and FILL phases of the localcurrency changeover, that is the active changeover package must be inone of the two phases when the program is started.
You are allowed to run the program more than once.
The program is a prerequisite for program RAEWUS1A.

The currency determination results are written to the EWUAFABEorganization table and the EWUWT control table.
The program writes a log to the log file rather than generating anoutput list. You can display this log using the procedure monitor.