Programme SAP ERASE_SITE - Deletion program, plant master

This report allows you to delete plants according to the selectionoptions entered. A plant consists of a customer, possibly a vendor, ifit is a distribution center, and the plant master data. You shouldarchive the customer and vendor using archiving tools (transactionSARA). For a customer, use archiving object FI_ACCRECV, andfor a vendorFI_ACCPAYB. Customer and vendor data will be archived and deleted.After that use this report to delete the plant data. Make sure that theplants which are to be deleted are no longer used in other functions(i.e. allocation, promotion, ...) and no listing conditions orinventory data exist. This report does not check whether a site can bedeleted or is still used elsewhere.
As a result, we accept no responsibility if this report is used.Walldorf, 11.06.1997