Programme SAP EPM_CAPLOAD_KPI - Evaluation for Capacity Load Utilization

The evaluation for capacity load utilization is used to calculate thecapacity load utilization of work centers, planning groups, plants, aswell as the utilization for all plants within a specific time period.The results of the evaluation are displayed on all hierarchy levelsin the STATUS field using the symbols @5C@, @5D@, @5B@, or @BZ@.

To ensure a user-specificevaluation with correct status information, youmust create a selection variant for the report EPM_CAPLOAD_KPI, andmaintain the Customizing for the required KPI including the thresholdvalues.
In the IMG for Production, choose Portal -> Plant Manager ->Key Figure Indicators ->Define Key PerformanceIndicators
to maintain threshold values.

No standard selection variant is included in the standard delivery.

You select various capacity requirements and availablecapacities within a specific time period (SOP, rate-based, and detailedscheduling requirements) using the selection options Plant,Capacity Planning Group, Capacity Category, and Work Center,as well as the parameters Days in the Past and Days in theFuture.

Results List:
The system displays the capacity requirements, available capacities,the capacity unit of measure, the determined remaining capacity, and thecapacity load utilization (in percent) on four differentlevels in the results list.
At the lowest level, the system displaysall work centers determined by the selection.For the work centers, the capacity load utilizations arecalculated with the formula (capacity requirement / available capacity)*100. If there is no available capacity for a work center, butavailable capacity requirements, no utilization is calculated;the value is setto a maximum value of 999.9%. The capacity requirements and availablecapacities are displayed based on the unit of measuredetermined in the capacity header of the work center.
The system displays the planning groups at the next level.Theutilization is calculated by totaling all workcenters determined below the planning group. The capacity requirementsand available capacities are determined by totaling all work centerrequirements and offers, if possible. If cumulation is possible (see'Cumulation of Capacity Requirements and Available Capacities atPlanning Group, Plant and Total Display Level)
, the values are displayed, based on thelargest unit of measure of all work center units.
The system displays the Plants at the next highest level.The utilization iscalculated by totaling all work centerutilizations below the plant. The capacity requirements and availablecapacities are determined by totaling all requirements and offers ofthe work centers. If cumulation is possible (see 'Cumulation ofCapacity Requirements, Available Capacities at Planning Group, Plant andTotal Display Level'), the values aredisplayed based on the largest unitof measure of all work center units.
The system displays the total display at the highest level.Theutilization is calculated by totaling alldetermined work center utilizations. The capacity requirements andavailable capacities are determined by totaling all requirements andoffers of the work centers. If cumulation is possible, (see '
Cumulation of Capacity Requirements, Available Capacities at PlanningGroup, Plant and Total Display Level'),the values are displayed, based on the largestunit of measure of all work center units.
Cumulation of Capacity Requirements and Available Capacities atPlanning Group, Plant and Total Display Level:
You can only calculate capacity requirements and available capacities atthe total display level, and plant and planning group levels if allwork centers used have the same unit of measure as the capacity.If this is not the case, no totalrequirements and available capacities are calculated. No unit is alsospecified. The system will only considerwork centers with available capacity larger than zero.
Status determination:
For determining the status, the utilizations are compared with thethreshold values at the total display, plant, capacity planning groupand work center level. The colors red, yellow, and green are assignedaccording to the status of the threshold values.
The color grey is assigned when
- No threshold values are specified in Customizing
- No available capacity is available at the work center level
- Work centers below the planning group have no available capacity atthe planning group level
- Work centers below the plant have no available capacity atthe plant level
- No available capacity in all selected plants at the total displaylevel.

You can jump to transaction CM50 by double-clickingon individual work centers. The selection time period, the selectedwork center, the capacity type, the planning group, and the plant aretransferred to transaction CM50 in the background as selection criteria.
Note that when calling transaction CM50, only the SOP requirements, therate-based planning requirements, or the detailed schedulingrequirements can be displayed. The report EPM_CAPLOAD_KPIdetermines total requirements. The requirements for work centers withcapacity requirements can be different on several scheduling levels.