Programme SAP ENHS_BADI_ANALYZE_GENERATE_ALL - Analyze BAdI definitions, generate all inconsistent BAdI definitions

Generate all inconsistent BAdI definitions as well as the correspondingimplementations.

This report is automatically executed during the mass activation ofenhancements. The execution will be triggered exactly one time in eachsystem.
The report can be rerun at any time.

Transports, support packages, or enhancement packages are imported thatcontain Enhancement Spots with BAdI definitions. In the same transportqueue, implementations for these BAdIs are imported. After the import,the runtime information of implementations of these BAdIs may get lostif SAP Note 1548839 was not yet applied.
Without this runtime data the implementations of the BAdIs are not foundat runtime.
This can happen only for those implementations which have not beenimported. It does not occur if the transports contain the enhancementspots only.


The following parameters are available:
Check Definitions (CHK_DEF): Checks whether the runtime representationsof the BAdIs match their definitions.
Check Meta Data of Impls. (CHK_DT): Checks if all BAdIs with runtimedata have corresponding meta data in the design time repository.
Check Runtime Data of Impls. (CHK_RT): Checks if the runtime data of allBAdI implementations are consistent.
Syntax Check (CHK_SYNT): Performs a syntax check for allimplementations.
Display Result of Generation (DISP_RES): Display the results of the lastrun of the report in generation mode.
Generate Inconsistent BAdIs (GENERATE): Run the report in generationmode. Inconsistent BAdI definitions and implementation will begenerated.

The output of the report is an overview of all BAdI definitions andimplementation that have been found to be inconsistent. The output iswritten to the transport log, or displayed directly if the report isexecuted online.

1521903Regenerate all inconsistent BAdI's
1589303Runtime data of deleted badis remains in the system
1561940Incomplete activation of enterprise extension (BTE inactive)