Programme SAP EHSWAR_115_003 - Partners in Entry Documents

Display Entry Documents for Partners

This report creates a list of entry documents to which one or moreselected waste managementbusiness partners have been assigned.


As the selection criterion, you can enter a role and also one or morewaste management business partners for which the entry documents towhich they were assigned are to be displayed. You must specify at leastthe role.
Selected entry documents are not taken into account for the selection.In other words, all entry documents that correspond to the selectioncriteria entered are always displayed.

You can control the output during selection by entering the followingdata:

  • You can specify whether the data is to be output as a compressed list.
  • In a compressed list, only the selected waste management businesspartners are displayed initially. By expanding the corresponding nodes,you can then display the entry documents for each waste managementbusiness partner.
    • You can enter a display variant that controls the formatting of the
    • list.
      An uncompressed list of the selected waste management business partnersis displayed as standard. For each waste management business partner,the entry documents to which it has been assigned are listed as follows:
      • The header level contains the key, the address, and the role name for
      • the waste management business partner.
        • The item level contains the entry documents and specifies the waste,
        • waste generator, storage location, and so on.
          • Waste management business partner

          • You access the waste management business partner tab page in displaymode in the Waste Management master data.
            • Entry document

            • You access the detail view of the entry document.
              • Waste

              • You access the material master in display mode.