Programme SAP EHSKR_EPM_SHIP_ORDERS - Determine Report Shipping Orders

Determining EH&S key figures:

  • Number of rejected report shipping orders

  • Number of incorrect report shipping orders

  • The Report Shipping Order Status report parameter sets the status forwhich the report shipping orders are determined.
    The status of report shipping orders is in Customizing: Environment,Health & Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Report Definition -> Settingsfor Document Management -> Check Document Types and Document Statuses
    . The document type {R} for report shipping order must beselected and the Define Document Statuses must be selected in themenu.
    If the report is called in the background (batch mode), only the keyfigure value is determined.
    If the report is not run in the background, the determined EH&Skey figure is output on a screen.

    Authorization Objects
    This report and the determined key figure is a technical service.Therefore no authorization checks are performed.

    Results List
    The number of report shipping orders is provided as a key figure valueaccording to the report parameters. No additional detailed data isoutput.

    In the Display Options group box, the title of the result outputcan be individually set.

    This report is provided without a report variant.
    However, you can create your own variants to save the parameter settingsthat you require.