Programme SAP EHSKR_EPM_REP_REQUESTS - Define Report Requests

This report is used to determine the EH&S key figure Number ofReport Requests.
This key figure describes the number of report requests.
Reports that are not yet generated that are composed of generatablereports and Report Body Requests are described as reportrequests.
If the report is called in the background (batch mode), only the keyfigure value is determined, detailed information is not formatted.
If the report is not run in the background, an ALV list with theentries for the report requests is displayed.

All report requests that have the report status Generatable (WA)and Report Body Requests (W8) are determined from table ESTDH.The statuses of report requests can be read in Customizing:
Environment, Health & Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> ReportDefinition -> Settings for Document Management -> Check Document Typesand Document Statuses: Document text type substance report rawversion (SBR).

Authorization Check
Missing authorizations can mean that the key figure cannot bedetermined, or that only the determined key figure is output. In thiscase, no detailed data is output. An exception to the authorizationcheck is the HR master data check. If no personal data may be read,those fields remain blank.
Authorization Objects
The following authorization objects are required to determine this keyfigure in the key-figure-determining EHS system:

  • C_TCLA_BKA,,(authorization class types)

  • C_SHES_TR2,,(EHS: Specification header with specification type)

  • C_SHES_TV2,,(EHS: Value assignment with specification references with
  • specification type)

    In the Report Data group box, the report generation variant canbe specified using the generation variant parameter. The ReportLanguage parameter determines the report language to be considered.This is set to SY-LANGU by default.
    In the Display Options group box, a layout variant can bepredefined for the results list. This field is only relevant if displayvariants are to be read.

    This report is provided without a report variant.
    However, you can create your own variants to save the parameter settingsthat you require.