Programme SAP EHSKR_EPM_REP_GEN_QUEUE - Determine WWI-Generation Orders

Determining EH&S key figures:

  • Number of reports in the WWI generation queue

  • Number of incorrect reports in the generation queue

  • This report uses the parameter setting in the Selection Criteriagroup box to determine one of the EH&S key figures mentioned above.
    For more information about using selection parameters, see theSelection section.
    If the report is called in the background (batch mode), only the keyfigure value is determined, detailed information is not formatted.
    If the report is not run in the background, the determined EH&Skey figure is output on a screen.

    Authorization Objects
    This report and the determined key figure is a technical service.Therefore no authorization checks are performed.

    In the Selection Criteria group box, you can determine which EH&Skey figure is to be determined:

    • With the Report Status selection criterion either just a status or a
    • status area can be specified:
      EH&S Key Figure: Number of Reports in the WWI Generation Queue
      • Entering the status ERROR in the report status selection can determine
      • the EH&S Key Figure: Number of Incorrect Reports in the GenerationQueue.

        This report is provided without a report variant.
        However, you can create your own variants to save the parameter settingsthat you require.