Programme SAP EHSKR_EPM_IAL - List Incident/Accident Log Entries

This report determines the EH&S key figure Number ofIncident/Accident Log Entries in a Particular Time Interval.
For information about using selection parameters, see the Selection
If the report is called in the background (batch mode), only the keyfigure value is determined, detailed information is not formatted.
If the report is not called in the background, it provides a listof the incident/accident log entries that were determined using theselection parameters that you specified.

Authorization Check
Missing authorizations can mean that the key figure cannot bedetermined, or that only the determined key figure is output. In thiscase, no detailed data is output. However, if you restrict the specifiedselection criteria such that only data for which you have authorizationis determined, the key figure is correctly determined and the detaileddata is output in the results table. An exception to the authorizationcheck is the HR master data check. If no personal data may be read,those fields remain blank.
Authorization Objects
The following authorization objects are required to determine this keyfigure in the key-figure-determining EHS system:

  • P_ORGIN ,,,,(HR: Master Data)

  • PLOG ,,,,(Personnel Planning)

  • P_APPL ,,,,(HR: Applicants)

  • C_EHSI_IAL ,,,,(EHS: Incident/Accident Log)

  • C_EHSI_WAH ,,(EHS: Work Area Header)

  • C_EHSB_STA ,,(EHS: Status of Objects)
  • Features
    Results List
    The results list outputs the following information for the determinedincident/accident log entries:

    • Event date

    • Event time

    • Time zone

    • Log entry

    • Status (name of log entry status)

    • Event (description of event)

    • Type of log entry (name of log entry type)

    • Accident category (name of accident category)

    • Description (accident location)

    • Accident details

    • Plant (assigned plant)

    • Name

    • Work area (assigned work area)

    • Name (name of assigned work area)

    • Work Area Type (name of type of work area)

    • Reportable (reportable accident)

    • Fatality

    • Prod. time lost (production time lost)

    • Calendar days

    • Workdays

    • Emergency admission (treatment in emergency admission)

    • Inpatient (treatment overnight as inpatient)

    • Personnel number for injured person (personnel number of injured person)

    • Personnel group of injured person (name of personnel group of injured
    • person)
      • First name of injured person (first name of injured person)

      • Last name of injured person (last name of injured person)

      • Injured person (full name of injured person)

      • Pers.Area (personnel area of injured person)

      • Pers.Subarea (personnel subarea of injured person)

      • You can additionally show the following information by adjusting thecolumn selection:
        • Status (key for log entry status)

        • Log entry type (key of log entry type)

        • Accident category (key for accident category)

        • Accident location (key for accident location)

        • Type (key of work area type)

        • Personnel group for injured person (personnel group of injured person)

        • To call the detail view for a single log entry, select the appropriateline and choose the Details pushbutton.
          If the Determined KPI on the result screen is different from the numberof rows in the results table (detailed data), this can be explained asfollows:
          The determined KPI represents the number of incident/accident logentries that were determined for the given selection parameters. In theresults table, details that can contain information about the injuredperson(s) of a log entry are output for these log entries. Within a logentry it is possible to enter more than one injured person, who are thenlisted individually in the results table. Therefore it is possible thatmore than one row in the results table is filled for one determined logentry.
          If restrictions are also determined for the accident within theselection criteria, only those persons that meet the criteria are outputin the results table.

          In the selection screen you can use the following parameters to restrictthe set of hits:

          • In the Data for Incident/Accident Log group box you determine
          • which log entry status or log entry type you want to consider.
            • In the Event Period group box, you set the period in which the
            • event period of the log entries to be determined may be.
              The Period in Days selection allows you to specify the timeinterval to consider in days up to a certain date
              Example: in days: 10, until: 01/15/2006 --> considered timeinterval: 01/01/2006 until 01/10/2006
              The selection from determines all log entries whose event time isin the specified interval.
              The in year selection enables you to search for log entries whoseevent time is in the relevant entered year and (if specified) month.
              • In the Accident Data group box, you can set restrictions for the
              • accident (details of injured person).
                Note: If accident data is specified, only those persons that meetthe appropriate criteria are output in the results list.
                • In the Selection of Incident/Accident Log Entries with Assignment to
                • ... group box, the personnel area or personnel subarea of the injuredperson of a log entry can be restricted.
                  Note: If restrictions for the personnel area or personnel subareaare specified, only those persons that match these criteria are outputin the results list. Persons for which no personnel area or personnelsubarea can be determined are not output.
                  Furthermore, the plant or work area (that the examined person isassigned to) to be considered can be restricted.
                  • In the Display Options group box it is possible to set the title
                  • of the results list and to predefine a layout variant for the resultslist.

                    This report is provided without a report variant.
                    However, you can create your own variants to save the parameter settingsthat you require.
                    We recommend that you save the basic settings as a variant to enableupdated entered parameters to reset to the basic settings.