Programme SAP EFG_SPOOL_CHECK_OUTPUT_STATUS - Print Request: Status Request for Output Requests

The report EFG_SPOOL_CHECK_OUTPUT_STATUS can be used to help youcheck the statuses of spool requests that resulted from a print (mass)run of the Print Workbench. The check can be run manually or using batchmethods.
The report checks if the output of the spool requests it finds are fullycomplete and without errors, so that follow-on processes, for instance,are not called until the output was completed without errors.

This report checks only those spool requests that arose in relation tothe Print Workbench, and then only if the calling print programexplicitly requested making these spool requests persistent in the PrintWorkbench by calling the EFG_SPOOL_SAVE_SPOOLIDS module.
When that is the case, then the program makes the spool IDs persistentin the Print Workbench, along with an ID and a time stamp, and they canthen be queried by this report.

The print run or the application must explicitly support this function.

The following selection parameters are available for selecting the spoolrequests to be checked:

  • External ID: This is usually the job ID or process ID of the application
  • (required).
    • Spool ID

    • Date

    • Wait time

    • Deletion option
    • Output
      The report determines a status for each output request it finds. Theoutput request is considered to have been processed correctly if it wasoutput without errors (according to the attributes of outputmanagement).
      You can also use a TIMEOUT parameter to set up a maximum wait time. Theneach output request that does not receive a correct status within thiswait time is reported as being incorrect by the parameter.
      The report uses the following output channels:

      • The report creates a message log.

      • The OUTPUT_STATUS method of the EFG_SPOOL_OUTPUT BAdI is
      • called (and transfers the spool requests that are found to beincorrect).
        • By means of the BP_SET_APPLICATION_RC module, the status is
        • transferred to the current batch job (if the report is being run in thebackground) where it can be queried using the standard system functions.