Programme SAP EDX_LIST - EDX: Overview of Inbound and Outbound Messages

You can use this report to display all incoming and outgoing messageswith their processing status.
You can use the selection options to restrict the number of messagesfound. You can change these criteria at any time and apply them bychoosing the 'Search' [F8] pushbutton.
Further information: Use the field help (F1) in the lists todisplay more information about the various columns.
Double-click: Double-click is active in the following columnswith the following effects:

  • Document no.:,,Jump to the document display.

  • Reference document no.:,, Jump to the document display ofreference document.
    • Error text:,,The complete error text is displayed in a text
    • editor. Together with the possible existing 'Display Complete Error'from the context menu, the error can be analyzed and corrected.
      Context menu: You can also use the secondary mouse button tocarry out the following actions/transactions from the lists:
      • Column Info:,,Displays the same column information as the field
      • help (F1)
        • Display Document:,,Displays the (original) document for this
        • message.
          • Display PDF:,,Displays the PDF for the message

          • Display Verification Log:,,In 'Not Processable' status only: The
          • signature check was not successful; the verification log file (XML) canbe displayed.
            • Display Complete Error:,,If a message that has been received was
            • not successfully processed, a detailed error text can be viewed toanalyze the problem (also useful for Support).
              • Call BD87:,,In 'Partially Processed' status only: Go to IDoc
              • processing.
                • Execute Message Action:,,Depending on the message's status, a
                • single action can be executed at message level.

                  You can define various selection criteria to restrict the number ofmessages found:


                  • Period from:,,,,Start date and time of the search period

                  • Period to:,,,,End date and time of the search period

                  • Company Code:,,Restrict the selection to a specific company code
                  • (blank: all company codes)
                    • Max. Messages:,,Maximum number of messages in the 'All Messages'
                    • list
                      • Outgoing Messages:,,Choose whether outgoing messages are to be
                      • displayed too
                        • Incoming Messages:,,Choose whether incoming messages are to be
                        • displayed too
                          The following option does not restrict the number of messages:
                          Display:,,Which list should be displayed first after the searchhas been executed?

                          Various lists, which you can choose on different tab pages, are output.The lists include

                          • A summary of all incoming and outgoing messages, grouped by status.

                          • All messages grouped in a list, sorted in descending order by date and
                          • time.
                            • 5 further lists separated by message type and sorted in descending order
                            • by date and time.