Programme SAP ECONCESSION_REPORTING_SAMPLE - Sample Report for Concession Reporting

Example for Generating Concession Reports

The report reads entries from table ECONCPOST, that have not yet beenprocessed in a report, and marks the lines as processed.
You can not yet recognize processed lines based on the status field.

  • (-1) Bill reversal after concession credit from government. The
  • concession was already registered to the relevant authority. However,the concession was reversed again, so that a credit must be raised forthe concession amount.
    • ( 0) Concession credit from government or document is reversed. The
    • concession was billed to the relevant authority (credit or receivable).
      • ( 1) Concession receivable is to be credited by the government. The
      • concession was not yet billed. A receivable is to be raised for therelevant authority.
        Use this report to make customer-specific settings. For example, sothat a bill is raised for the relevant authority.
