Programme SAP EANP_CONSISTENCY_REPORT - GTIN Consistency Check

This report program allows you to change the global trade item number(GTIN) attribute values of all the material masters that are assignedthe same GTIN and variant. It aims to establish a consistent databasestatus for all the relevant materials.
You can also change from one consistent database status to another, ifrequired. This is particularly important if the GTIN attributes requiresubsequent correction. For example, it is not possible to ensurecomplete consistency during online corrections. You can therefore changethe consistent database status after the online processing.

You must know the GTIN attribute values that are appropriate for a GTINvariant combination, from the business perspective.

In the selection screen, enter all of the required GTIN attribute valuesfor the GTIN variant combination. To execute the report, specify a GTIN,a variant, and the associated GTIN attribute values.