Programme SAP DMS_KPRO_CHECK1 - KPRO Check Report

Tool for comparing document management, KPro and the SAP Content Server

The report determines the following data:

  • Originals in content server without a reference in the SAP system (KPro)

  • Originals in the SAP system (KPRO) without a reference in the content
  • server
    • Data (LOIOS) in KPro without a reference in document management

    • Data (LOIOS) in document management without a reference in KPro
    • Prerequisites
      The comparison with the content server is only available for the SAPContent server. Administration commands must not be protected bypasswords.



      • Input parameters:

      • Content Repository
        Name of content repository you want to check.
        RFC Destination
        Name of RFC destination that uses SAP http to communicate. Use SAPHTTPAto access the content server via the application server.
        Check content server - SAP system
        Compares content server und SAP system.
        Check KPro - document management
        Compares document management and KPro interface.

        The report creates two lists, based on the options available:

        • Check content server - SAP system

        • A list of all originals (PHIOS) in the SAP system (KPro) without areference in the content server, or a list of all originals (PHIOS) inthe content server without a reference in the SAP system (KPro).
          • Check KPro - document management

          • A list of all originals (LOIOS) in document management without areference in the KPro interface or a list of all originals (LOIOS) inthe KPro interface without a reference in document management

            The following functions are possible on the output lists

            • Detail:

            • Delivers more information for the selected object.
              • Select all/Deselect all

              • Selects or deselects all entries in the results list.
                • Check out

                • Checks out an original directly from the content server.
                  This function is only available in the check method Content Server - SAPsystem and when the original exists on the content server.
                  • Delete

                  • Deletes all the selected entries from the SAP system or the contentserver.