The XPRA report ensures that the revisions created in DI 4.6C2 areconverted in a manner consistent with the requirements of DIMP 4.71. TheXPRA is necessary to ensure that the user can continue using therevisions created in DI 4.6C2 without having to convert or update eachof them manually.


  • Conversion of external to internal work centers

  • With DIMP 4.71 CRT02, the revision table T352R has been extended tocontain the internal representation of the work center. T352R previouslycontained only the external representation of the work center on therevision. Corresponding with the table change, the design in DIMP 4.71CRT02 has subsequently been altered, so that it reads and stores theinternal work center representation instead of the external one.
    This change in design was necessary due to the user being able to renamethe external work center, thereby rendering the old external work centerinvalid. This would result in inconsistent data on revisions with theold work center. This scenario can be avoided when using an internalwork center representation. Consequently, a conversion from external tointernal work centers is necessary for all revisions when upgrading toDIMP 4.71 CRT02.
    • Transferring the work center from the network into the revision

    • With DIMP 4.71 CRT02 the work center on the revision is mandatory. In DI4.6C2 this was not the case, and the work center could be taken from thenetwork, if one was assigned to the revision. This is no longer the casein DIMP 4.71. Hence when upgrading, it is necessary to transfer the workcenter and dates from the network into the revision (for all revisionsthat have a network assigned). This is necessary to avoid incompletedata on the revisions.




      • For revisions with a network assigned to them, the work center
      • (external) from the network is transferred to the revision and convertedinto its internal representation.
        The dates on the network are also transferred to the revision. In theevent that the dates are not maintained on the revision, a message islogged for the user to perform this manually. Note that the times on thenetwork are not transferred to the revision. The user has to maintainthese manually.
        • For revisions without a network, the work center (external) is converted
        • into its internal representation.

          Exception Handling
          If no internal representation is found (for example, due to the customerhaving renamed the external work center), the XPRA checks to see if anychange documents exist that capture the renaming. If so, it derives thecorrect internal representation using this information. In the eventthat no change documents exist, or that it cannot derive a uniqueinternal representation, the XPRA logs a message for that revision/workcenter and continues processing the other revisions. This does NOTinterrupt the upgrade.

          Data Affected
          Note: The XPRA works client independently. It converts the affectedrevisions in all clients, and not only the client in which the report isrun.
          Table T352R is the only table that is written to.
          In the event that no network is assigned to the revision, the externalrepresentation for the work center is converted into the internalrepresentation, and T352R-OBJID (work center internal representation)and T352R-PM_OBJTY (object type for work center) are updated.
          In the event that a network is assigned to the revision, the externalrepresentation for the work center is taken from the network andconverted into the internal representation, and T352R-OBJID andT352R-PM_OBJTY are updated. The basic start and basic end dates from thenetwork are updated in the revision fields T352R-REVED (revision enddate) and T352R-REVBD (revision start date). In the event that the datesare not non-initial, a message is logged for the user to maintain thesemanually on the revision.
          If you wish to run this report as a test run, and view the log withouttriggering a database update, you can do this using parameter IDDIWPS_XPRA_TESTRUN. To do this, add this paramter to your user intransaction SU01, and set it to X . When running the XPRA
          , no update is triggered if this parameter ID is set to X.

          The user can correct the logged revisions for which no conversion hasbeen carried out manually. Upon updating and saving these revisions, theconversion is carried out automatically as part of the new functionalityin DIMP 4.71 CRT02. The user does not have to rerun the XPRA on theserevisions.
          However, for conversions that could not be performed due to the revisiontable being locked in a given client, the user should ensure that thetable is unlocked, and rerun the XPRA for automatic conversion.
          The user can refer to the log by using transaction SE01 or byrerunning the XPRA standalone (using transaction SE38, enteringthe program name DIWPS_XPRA_WKCTCNVRT, and choosing Execute
          ). Rerunning the XPRA (even accidentally) is completely safe, anddoes NOT jeopardize any data.
          Note: The XPRA report does NOT require any user input, nor any sort ofdata to be read before running.