Programme SAP DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE - EHS: Mark Change Pointers As Processed

Status Adjustment of Change Pointers of Type SUBMAS After DeltaFilling of Dangerous Goods Master

The report program DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE is used to mark change pointersof the message type SUBMAS (EH&S specification) on the databaseas processed. It thus allows the tables BDCP and BDCPS to bereorganized step-by-step for messages of the type SUBMAS.

Change pointers of message type SUBMAS are evaluated during thecourse of the filling of the dangerous goods master, but are not markedas processed. The system normally only marks them after ALEdistribution of EH&S specifications has been carried out successfully.
If no ALE distribution of specifications takes place on the system, thechange pointers are not marked as processed at any time. Thismeans that many entries for the message type SUBMAS can build upin the application tables BDCP and BDCPS.
Reorganization of these tables should ideally be done in two steps:
Set the change pointers to processed with the help of the reportprogram DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE. To do this, you should schedule thereport program as a background job following the filling of thedangerous goods master (report program DGPDATCO).
Delete the change pointers physically from the database using the reportprogram RBDCPCLR.
The physical delete should ideally be run at longer time intervals, forexample monthly, in order to be able to take the change pointers intoaccount in a new filling run if problems occur during filling of thedangerous goods master.
Note that filling of the dangerous goods master when the Changepointer evaluation indicator is set (Delta filling) takeschange pointers of the type SUBMAS into account, independent ofwhether they are marked as processed or not. If the changepointers are physically deleted from the database, however, they are nolonger available for evaluation.
Also note that change pointers of message type SUBMAS that aremarked as processed on the database can no longer be taken intoaccount during ALE distribution of EH&S specifications. Do not start thereport program DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE on systems from which EH&Sspecifications are distributed.
The report program has the following protection mechanisms that areintended to prevent it being started unintentionally on systems thatserve as source systems for ALE distribution of specifications:

  • You can only execute the program in the background. If you try to start
  • it in the foreground, it terminates with an error message.
    • The ALE distribution of specifications parameter is activated by
    • default; it controls the termination of the program. It is only possibleto execute the program if the No ALE distribution of specifications
      parameter is set.

      The report program DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE may only be executed if no ALEdistribution of EH&S specifications takes place from the SAP system,that is, if it is not an ALE source system. You can execute the programif the system is an ALE target system.

      The report program has the following parameters:

      • Until-date

      • The program takes into account all change pointers of the typeSUBMAS that were created by the system before the initial dateUntil-date. The default value set is as one week before thecurrent date.
        • Show change pointers

        • This parameter controls whether the system displays the number of changepointers to be adjusted and the first and last change pointer dependingon the initial date.
          • Adjust change pointers

          • Only if this radio button is selected does the system mark the changepointers on the database as processed.
            • ALE distribution of specifications

            • This radio button serves as a protection mechanism and is intended toindicate that the program must not be started if specifications are tobe distributed from the system by ALE.
              • No ALE distribution of specifications

              • Choose this radio button to be able to start the program.

739783Enhancement report DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE (Note 576905)
576905Change pointer status after GG master delta filling