Programme SAP DBPNPGMC - Generator for Selection Methods for Search Helps for LDB PNP and PNPCE

You can use the logical databases PNP and PNPCE to select personnelnumbers using a search help. The elementary search helps of thecollective search help PREM can be used for this. This search help canbe enhanced by customers (see the documentation on the Customizingactivity Maintain Search Helps under the path'Personnel Management' -> 'Personnel Administration' -> 'BasicSettings').
However, so that the logical database can actually use the search help,it was necessary (up to and including Release 4.6C) to generate anaccess path routine for each elementary search help. This is agenerated program that undertakes the personnel number selectionaccording to how the search help is defined.
To generate this program you had to use the existing report (DBPNPGMC).
The generated programs had the following naming convention: DBPNPMCxfor SAP search helps and ZBPNPMCx for customer-specific search helps,where x is the sign for the hot key of the elementary search help.However, this naming convention meant that you could not use elementarysearch helps that did not have a hot key.
Due to this, a new technique was implemented for 4.70 to process searchhelps. It is no longer necessary to generate an access path routine. Ifthere is no access path routine, the logical database calls the callcontrol step "SELECT" of the F4 Help processor directly (for theselected elementary search help) and in this way selects the personnelnumbers. If the access path routine does exist (which is the caseespecially with older search helps), it is still used (in place of thegeneric access). Even as of Release 4.70, it is still possible togenerate the access path routine explicitly. This can be useful tooptimize the performance when executing the search help or if you haveto make manual modifications to the access path routine.
A new naming convention is now used for the generated programs - alsoto be able to use elementary search helps without hotkeys. For SAPsearch helps, the generated programs follow the convetion DBPNPMCyyyyy,and for customer-specific search helps, ZBPNPMCyyyyy, where yyyy is thename of the elementary search help.
If the existing report is started for elementary search helps for whicha generated program already exists according to the old namingconvention (DBPNPMCx or ZBPNPMCx), this remains and an additionalprogram is generated according to the new naming convention(DBPNPMCyyyyy or ZBPNPMCyyyyy). However, the program with the oldnaming convention is no longer taken into account in the logicaldatabase, since the programs with the new naming convention havepriority here.


If you select the 'Test Without Change' checkbox, the generated codingis only output on the screen. If you do not set the 'Test WithoutChange' checkbox, a new program, DBPNPMCyyyyy or ZBPNPMCyyyyyn, (yyyyy= Search help name) is generated. If the program already exists, it isonly overwritten with the new code if the 'Update Existing" checkbox isset.


If you want customer-specific elementary search helps (created beforeRelease 4.70) to run in future using the generic selection method, youmust delete the generated reports (ZBPNPMCx) manually. Using thegeneric selection method has the advantage that the call control step'SELECT', of an exit that might have been implemented, is alsoprocessed.
If you regenerate the access path routine for customer-specificelementary search helps, the programs keep the old naming conventionZBPNPMCx (x = hotkey). In principle, this can be deleted because it isno longer used. However, this is not done automatically since they cancontain customer-specific modifications that are still needed.