Programme SAP DBPAPGMC - Generator for MC Access Paths of LDB PNP

You can use this report to generate the matchcode access path routinesfor the PAP logical database.
If you have create a new applicant number matchcode (matchcode objectPAPM), or if you have changed an existing PREM matchcode, then you mustrun this report for the matchcode IDs in question.


If you have selected the 'Test without update' parameter, then the onlything that will appear us a screen list showing you what the programcode of the generated program looks like. If you have not selected thisparameter, either a new program ZBPNPMCx (x = matchcode ID 0 <= x <= 9)is generated, or program DBPAPMCy (y = matchcode ID A <= y <= Z), orZBPAPMCy (y= matchcode ID 0 <= y <=9) is overwritten with new programcode (if the 'Update existing' field was selected).