Programme SAP CVVT_DEADLINE - XPRA for conversion of free deadlines in shipment/delivery

The XPRA is used for converting Customizing of free dates in deliveryand shipment in order to use the new date segments from 4.0C.
The Customizing tables of the date segments are setup from the datefunctions (table TVTZ) as follows:

  • TTSEGEVTY Date segment transaction type

  • EVEN Transaction type
    Y Prefix for customer-name range
    mmm Client
    M fix, migration
    nnnn Date function from TVTZ
    Example: Y000M0001 Date function 0001 in client 000
    EVEN_ALI Alias for the transaction (language-independent)
    MIG Migrations indicator
    s1 Space
    mmm Client
    s2 Space
    nnnn Date function from TVTZ
    Example: MIG 000 0001 Date function 0001 in client 000
    EVEN_TIMFR Transaction start (logical time)
    Y Prefix for customer name range
    mmm Client
    M fix, migration
    nnnn date function from TVTZ
    t Type of time B=Start
    Example: Y000M0001B Start for date function 0001 in client 000
    EVEN_TIMTO Transaction end (logical time)
    Y Prefix for customer name range
    mmm Client
    M fix, migration
    nnnn Date function from TVTZ
    t Type of time E=End
    Example: Y000M0001E End for date function 0001 in client 000
    EVEN_DUR Logical time duration of transaction (ID)
    ' ' not relevant, initial
    EVEN_DTEF1 Data element for F1-Help at transaction
    ' ' No specific F1 support
    EVEN_FLGMS Flag Milestone (Start = End of transaction)
    ' ' not relevant, initial
    EVEN_FLGMU Flag transaction type, can be used more than once
    'X' always set, as all date functions can be used more than once
    PROJ Projekt-ID internal
    p fix, Project-ID migration 'WSHDR'
    • TTSEGTIME Date segment time

    • TIME Logical time
      Y Prefix for customer name range
      mmm Client
      M fix, migration
      nnnn Date function from TVTZ
      t Type of time B=Start, E=End
      Example: Y000M0001B Start of date function 0001 in client 000
      TIME_ALI Alias for date type (language-independent)
      MIG Migration indicator
      mmm Client
      s1 Space
      nnnn Date function from TVTZ
      S2 Space
      t Type of time BEGIN=Start, END=End
      TIME_LOC Logical position of a time
      l fix WSHDRSYST
      FLAG_REATS / FLAG_WRITS Flag data from date segment
      'X' the date segment is read
      FLAG_REAIL / FLAG_WRIIL Flag Data from application tables ('Inline')
      ' ' fix, NO fields are copied from structures
      TIME_DTEF1 Data element for F1 Help to transaction
      ' ' No specific F1 support
      PROJ Project ID internal
      p fix, Project ID migration 'WSHDR'
      • TTSEGTPLH Date segment template header

      • CLIENT Client
        mmm Current client
        TEPL Template
        Y Prefix for customer name range
        MIG fix, Migration
        aaa Application 'DLV'=Delivery, 'TRA'=Shipment
        TEPL_ALI Alias for the template (language-independent)
        MIG Migrations indicator
        s1 Space
        aaa Application 'DLV'=Delivery, 'TRA'=Shipment
        TEPL_VIWDF View for transaction
        'STD' fix, Default view for display (Standard)
        OBJE Internal key for objects for the date header
        o object from TTSEGOBJE WSHDRLIKP (delivery) / WSHDRVTTK (shipment)
        PROJ Projekt-ID internal
        p fix, Project ID migration 'WSHDR'
        In client 000, if a template with name WSHDRSTDDL exists for thedelivery and/or a template with name WSHDRSTDTR exists for theshipment, then the properties saved there are copied to the templatesfor deliveries or shipments.
        • TTSEGTPLHT Date segment text for header template

        • The text is copied from client 000 to the converted templates fortemplate WSHDRSTDDL (delivery) WSHDRSTDTR (shipment). In client 000, ifreference templates WSHDRSTDDL and/or WSHDRSTDTR exist, then no textsare created for the converted templates.
          TTSEGTPLE Date segement template transaction
          CLIENT Client
          mmm current client
          TEPL Template
          Y Prefix for customer name range
          MIG fix, migration
          aaa Application 'DLV'=Delivery, 'TRA'=Shipment
          EVEN Transaction type
          Y Prefix for customer name range
          mmm Client
          M fix, migration
          nnnn Date function from TVTZ
          Beipiel: Y000M0001 Date function 0001 in client 000
          EVEN_SOR Transaction type sorting field
          ' ' Standard
          EVEN_FLGOP Transaction is optional (no display in empty list)
          'X' always set, because all date functions are optional
          PROJ Projekt-ID internal
          p fix, Project ID migration 'WSHDR'
          • Conversion of text tables from the date function texts

          • In text tables TTSEGEVTYT (date segment text for transaction type) andTTSEGTIMET (date segment text for time), the texts for the datefunctions are copied in all languages in which the date function ismaintained according to the conversion logic for transaction types andtimes.
            XPRA can be run again. Data that has already been converted is notrecopied to the Customizing tables.