Programme SAP CVVTTKTG - XPRA: Total Status of Shipments

With this program, the new field VTTK-STTRG 'Ov. trsp. status' isfilledfor the table entries that already exist for table VTTK (Shipmentheader).

The program only needs to be started if shipments have been created inreleases 30A or 30B.
The consequences if the program is not started:

  • Shipment processing of old shipments

  • Shipments cannot be selected by overall status
    The traffic light for documentation of overall status does not appear
    • Archiving

    • Shipments are not archived if the overall status was not set

      The content of field VTTK-STTRG 'Ov. trsp. status' is determined fromthe status fields available from the VTTK table entries.