Programme SAP CVTVTRBL - XPRA: Shipment document in Release 4.0: Tables VTTK, VTTS, VTPA

This report converts tables of the SD shipment document for Release4.0.

If the old Release is a 2.* release (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, etc.), then thisXPRA is not necessary since, in these releases, the shipment documentdid not yet exist.
The following conversions are made:
Table VTTK (shipment header):

  • The field STERM_DONE (leg determination was executed) is new for
  • Release 4.0 and is set to X if, in the respective stages (Table VTTS)of this shipment you have stages that have the change indicator ELUPD =1 (automtic) or ELUPD = 2 (automatic, changed).
    • The fields for the travelling time (FAHZT) and the total time (GESZT)
    • as well as the respective time unit (MEIZT) are converted to therespective fields FAHZTD (new for 4.0) and GESZTD (new for 4.0) thathave the new HMS format. (The fields FAHZT, GESZT and MEIZT wereintroduced for Release 3.1 within the scheduling interface. They arefilled only by a scheduling IDOC and doe not exist on the screens inthe standard online transaction).
      Table VTTS (shipment stages):
      • The field ADRKNZA (new for 4.0) specifies where the address of the
      • pointof departure (field ADRNA) comes from and is determined from thedata of the point of departure.
        • Field ADRKNZZ same as for ADRKNZA

        • The fields for travelling time (FAHZT) and the total time (GESZT) as
        • well as the respective time unit (MEIZT) are converted to therespective fields FAHZTD (new for 4.0) and GESZTD (new for 4.0) thathave the new HMS format. (The fields FAHZT, GESZT and MEIZT wereintroduced for Release 3.1 within the scheduling interface. They arefilled only by a scheduling IDOC and do not exist on the screens in thestandard online transaction).
          Table VTPA (Partner for shipment):
          • Das Feld PARVW war in Release 3.0/3.1 immer mit der Partnerrolle 'SP'
          • gefüllt. Zu Release 4.0 ist wegen der Frachtkosten eine Umstellungnotwendig: Abhängig von dem Abschnittstyp (VTTS-TSYTP) des zugehörigenAbschnitts, auf dem der Partner angelegt wurde, ist die Partnerrolle'SP' zu ersetzen:
            TSTYP = '1' (Strecke): Partnerrolle bleibt unverändert
            TSTYP = '2' (Umschlag): Aus 'SP' wird 'TU'
            TSTYP = '3' (Grenze): Aus 'SP' wird 'TZ'