Programme SAP CVTVTKTR - XPRA: Convert TVTK copy Service Agent/Route checkbox to VOFM routines

XPRA: Convert TVTK copy Service Agent/Route/Deadlines checkbox to VOFMroutines

The purpose of this program is to update table TVTK with the number ofa VOFM copy routine. The determination of this copy routine is based onthree existing checkbox fields that will no longer be available on theconfiguration screen for TVTK. These fields are being replaced with asingle field for the VOFM copy routine.

The checkbox field for copying the service agent (TVTK-SPEDI_VLF), thecheckbox field for copying the route (TVTK-ROUTE_VLF) from the deliveryto the shipment, and the checkbox field for copying deadline dates (T
VTK-TERMIN_VLF) have been replaced on screen SAPL0VTR/1110 with a fieldto hold the VOFM routine (TVTK-TRINF_UEB) written to perform the copy.SAP will deliver twelve standard copy routines. This programdetermines which combination of these three fields is currentlyconfigured, and places the appropriate VOFM routine in fieldTVTK-TRINF_UEB. When shipments for the shipment type are processed thisVOFM routine will be checked to see which fields are to be copied fromthe deliveries into the shipment.

R/3 Release 4.6A