Programme SAP CVI_ADJUST_ROLE_CUSTOMIZING - Convert Role Customizing For Customer/Vendor Integration

As of Release SAP ECC 6.0 customer/vendor integration for thebusiness partner has been enhanced. As a result of this enhancement, thebusiness partner dialog has changed. Applications, datasets, and theentire screen layout that have been available in the Business Data Toolset (BDT)
to date have been replaced by new elements.
You can use this report to convert the existing Customizing forcustomer-defined BP roles to the new applications, datasets, and fieldgroups.
You have to run this report if you already use customer/vendorintegration.
As a result of the enhanced features for customer/vendor integration,more fields will be displayed in the dialog than in the previousreleases, once you have executed the report. If you do not want todisplay these additional fields, make corrections manually.
If you do not run the report or if you do not make the necessary changesmanually, then the system may, in some circumstances, not show allinformation when you display or edit the customer/vendor in dialog mode.However, no data will be lost and no inconsistencies will arise.

To guarantee that the changes made by the report are transported intoother systems/clients, run the report in a system/client for whichchanges to Customizing are shown in transport requests. If there is noconnection to the transport system, then the changes will only be madelocally.

You have upgraded from a release previous to SAP ECC 6.0 whereCustomer/Vendor Integration is in use.

You can use this report to adjust business partner views and businesspartner roles that are not supplied by the SAP Business Partner forFinancial Services.
The report exchanges all obsolete applications and datasets for theaffected BP views for new ones. The report also transfers the fieldmodification status of the obsolete field groups defined for theaffected BP roles to the new field groups so that you do not need tomake any changes manually.
The changes are written to a transport request that can then betransported to all affected systems/clients.

The following selection options exist in the dialog for the report:

  • Test run

  • If this is selected, then the report simulates the conversion. It doesnot save data to the database tables.
    • Update run

    • If this is selected, then the report converts the data and saves it todatabase tables. If the system is connected to a transport system, allchanges are written to a transport request and can then be imported intoother systems/clients.
      • Delete old configuration

      • If you set this indicator, then the report deletes all obsoleteapplications and datasets from the business partner views and resets thefield modification status for the obsolete fields groups to "notspecified" for all relevant roles. This setting only comes into effectif the Update Run option is selected and it cannot be reversedonce it has been executed. If you execute the report without setting theUpdate Run indicator, you can then run the report as many timesas you like.
        Once you have successfully executed the report, we recommend that youexecute it again without activating deletion. Once you have successfullyimported the changes into all relevant systems/clients, execute thereport with activated deletion and then import these deletions into allrelevant systems/clients.

        The system issues the results of the report in a log. If businesspartner views and/or roles have been converted (update run) or have tobe converted (test run), then the system issues a list of the relevantviews/roles. However, the system does not write a log stating whichapplications, datasets, and field statuses have to be changed.
        In an update run in systems that are connected to transport systems, thesystem displays a dialog box in which you have to enter a validtransport request for Customizing entries.
        If you have set the Delete Old Configuration indicator, then thesystem issues a corresponding confirmation message.
        If an error occurs, the report terminates and issues an error message.

        You have defined business partner view "ZZFLCU Customer" in the system.The BDT applications "Fi/Log: Customer Connection" (FLCU), "FinAcctg:Customer Connection" (FICU), and "Log: Customer Link" (LOCU) as well asthe datasets "General Customer Data" (FLCU00), "Customer Company CodeData" (FICU00), "Company Code Data Customer Dunning Data" (FICU01), and"Customer Sales Data" (LOCU00) are assigned to this business partnerview.
        The BP view "ZZFLCU Customer" is assigned to the business partner role"ZZFLCU Customer" and the fields "authorization group" (field group373) and "reconciliation account" (field group 221) are defined asrequired entry fields.
        The report replaces the applications with the new BDT application"Customer Link" (CVIC). It exchanges old datasets for new ones. It alsodefines the new field groups "authorization group" (1801) and"reconciliation account" (1848) as required entry fields.

851445BP_CVI: Details about reports to be executed for ERP 2005