Programme SAP CUSTES10 - Check report: Find date fields in Customizing tables

Description of Report CUSTES10
The SAP R/3 System is equipped for the year 2000 because the system hascontained a four-digit year format from the very beginning.
This program is purely an added safety measure to ensure a smoothmillennium changeover. A common problem that can occur at any time inany IT system is when validity periods for objects run out. You can usethis program to check your Customizing settings in terms of the year2000.

Report Operation
The report finds Customizing tables that include the date 31.12.1999 orthe year 1999. We recommend that you check all Customizing tables thatinclude this date to see whether a validity period is linked to thedate. If so, you need to check whether a correct extension of theperiod exists. The program itself cannot determine whether the datefield defines a validity period or whether the validity period has beenextended. This means that not every hit is automatically an error.
To keep a check on how your work is progressing, you generate a ProjectIMG. You can use this for analyses. Starting the report again to checkyour results, does not work for the reasons outlined above.

Selection Screen - Input Parameters
The selection screen is set as standard to search all Customizingtables for the above dates in the date fields.
It is also possible for you to set your own settings and only checkgiven tables.
The selection screen is divided into three areas:

  • Parameters that determine the number of tables to be checked

  • Parameters that determine the search term and the fields to be searched

  • Control parameters for statistics and the Customizing Project

  • Number of tables to be checked
    You can either check all Customizing tables or a selection (forexample,one particular table). Many tables that may contain the date31.12.1999, but present no problem, have been identified and integratedin the program. You can exclude these tables from the check byselecting the checkbox "Tables defined as noncritical by SAP". You canalso enter tables in the "Tables defined as noncritical by customer"input field and exclude these from the check. This may occasionally benecessary if some tables are not active in your system and the reportterminates. You can save the parameters you enter in the table list inthe selection screen as a variant.
    Determining the Search Term
    The first search term only consists of a four-digit year date, and youcan change this for testing purposes. The string "1231" is added to thesecond search term and the end of the year is checked.
    Size of Output List
    The output list should not be too long because it can exceed the spoolcapacity depending on the number of hits. It is important to find outwhether a table actually contains a record with the date, so there is alimit on the maximum number of hits. The number of records included inthe output list depends on the parameter setting. The records arecounted up to 1000 hits and these are then displayed. Tables thatcontain more than 1000 records are noted only. To verify thecompleteness of the check, you can output all the tables includingthose with no hits by choosing the "complete table list" parameter. Youcreate a Project IMG that contains the IMG activities you need tomaintain the tables with hits. The next available project number after100 is suggested as a project number.

    Output List
    Using a table log as an example, the procedure for checking isexplained below in more detail. (The last column has been added herefor reference only and is not included in the original log. The stepsfor checking or correction are given below.
    CSKS Cost Center Master Record Last changed by :SAP 02
    003 0001 2706 31.12.1997 12
    003 0001 4200 31.12.1997 13
    CSKS No:89 SAP DevClass: KBAS Cost Center Master 14
    Rows 01 and 15:
    These rows are only included here for the overview and divide the
    different table entries.
    Row 2 :
    CSKS - Technical table name
    Cost Center Master Record - Short text of table
    Last changed by: SAP - Table structure last changed by (hereSAP)
    Rows 03 to 10:
    first column: IMG activity transaction code
    second column: SIMG refers to IMG activity
    third column: IMG activity key
    fourth column: IMG activity last changed by: here SAP
    You use these activities to maintain the table. There can be severalactivities to a table because these activities maintain differentfields in a table. In this case, the only thing you can do is try outthe different activities. These are included in the Project IMG. Thenumber of rows varies from table to table.
    Row 11 :
    The following data columns are headed with the field names of thetable. Only key fields and 4-digit or 8-digit data fields are shown.The key fields are always filled for records, but the contents of thedata fields are only displayed in accordance with the search criteria.Otherwise, they are hidden from view for data protection. For sometables with a high number of table fields, you get a line break.
    Row 12:
    Table field values in this example:
    MANDT 003
    KOKRS 0001
    KOSTL 2706
    DATBI 31.12.1999 <- the search criterium
    DATAB (no display)
    ERSDA (no display)
    BUKRS (no display)
    GSBER (no display)
    DRNAM (no display)
    Row 13:
    Table field values in this example:
    MANDT 003
    KOKRS 0001
    KOSTL 4200
    DATBI 31.12.1999 <- the search criterium
    DATAB (no display)
    ERSDA (no display)
    BUKRS (no display)
    GSBER (no display)
    DRNAM (no display)
    The number of rows can vary considerably.
    Row 14:
    This row includes the table names, the number of hits, who created by(here, SAP), the development class and the short text. This rowincludes the number of texts - this enables you to access the output ofall tables with hits when you search in the displayed spool request bychoosing SYSTEM -> LIST -> SEARCH FOR text >NO.:<.
    Other steps:
    Because the program has found IMG activities that are assigned to thetable, this gives you relevant access in the Customizing project andyou get additional information on the settings. It may occur that someof the displayed IMG activities do not allow you to maintain the datefields. In this case, try to maintain the entries using other IMGactivities.
    The following status can occur when checking a table:

    • Table does not fit the field selection criterium

    • T053A not suitable SAP DevClass: FBAS Sele
      • Table defined by SAP as no check needed

      • TNAD5 defined by SAP as no check needed
        • Table excluded from check by customer

        • TNAD9 no check needed
          • Table fits the field selection criterium, but includes no hits

          • T051A No.:0 SAP DevClass: FBMW Kont
            The transaction name in the log gives you direct access. Note that youmight only be able to maintain part of the entries due to the structureof the transaction. You should be able to maintain all entries byprocessing the transactions.
            Maintaining entries:
            This is only required when the entries have a time limit you want tochange (extend). You can change most entries by simply extending theto-date. For some objects this is not possible and you have to add anewentry. This greatly depends on the context and can be clarified by aconsultant if you are in doubt.

            Project IMG activities
            The Customizing documentation contains information in moredetail on IMG functionality.
            The difference to 'normal' Customizing when you implement R/3 is thatyou are taking the decision to either change a value or add a newrecord in the date field. However, not every IMG activity in thegenerated Project IMG leads directly to date field maintenance. This isbecause the IMG activities are determined by the Customizing tables andcannot be completely determined. Activities that maintain nonrelevantfields can be ignored.

            Five-Step Procedure
            Run the report in the background with its default settings. Do notcreate a Project IMG at this stage. You need to start the report in thesystem and client you are working in (normally in the production systemor a complete, fairly recent copy of the production system). Important:Do not run the report several times at once.
            Verify the output list and check whether nonrelevant tables thatinclude a hit occur, for example, tables where the date does not definea validity period.
            Start the report with adjusted parameters (based on results of step 2)and create a Project IMG if you want to use one, with or without acomplete table log.
            Save the list if possible on a PC (or print a copy) and set the spoollist to status 9 so that it wil not be deleted in the system.
            Work through the Project IMG. First process those parts of Customizingthat have higher priority for you. Compare your changes with the list.The key fields of the records may give you additional information.

            Technical Information
            This section is for the system administrator or programmer and is notrelevant for the report user.
            The report first of all determines the Customizing tables to beprocessed according to the selection, and searches for their IMGactivities. the tables are then checked. For this, dynamic programs aregenerated that are in the name space CUSTxxxx (xxxx stands for a4-digit number). A maximum of 25 tables are checked per program. Theprograms are processed in sequence as a routine. The Select statementsare included in these programs. The results per table are listed and,on successful completion, the programs are then deleted. Generatedprograms, which are not deleted (perhaps caused by a programterminating or an error during generation) can be deleted using theCUSTEST4 report (from Rel. 4.0B or via Sapserv3 - see note 0082253).
            A program with a generation error is noted in the output list. Whilethe programs are running, the IMG activities of the tables that give apositive result are collected. At the end, the Project IMG can begenerated.

            Security - Data Protection - Authorization
            The output list contains (as described earlier) all key fields of arecord and also the date field. Critical data is therefore not likelyto appear on the screen, mainly because the data is Customizing dataand not master or transaction data. Even so, you do need authorizationto use the report. The report is best used by people responsible forCustomizing who have "Table maintenance (via standard tools such asSM31)" (Object: S_TABU_DIS field entries '*','*').

            Frequently Asked Questions
            The print request generated by the report in the background is solarge that it cannot be displayed

            • To avoid a large print request, note the following points: You do not
            • always need the complete table list. It can be used to find the statusof a particular table, but this is mostly not necessary. Start thereport without a complete log list.
              • The default value for the number of hits is 10. If you have set this to
              • a higher value, you should reset it. You can check single tables thatare of importance using a higher value.
                I have already processed 90% of my Project IMG, but the report isstill generating a list with almost the same entries.
                • Corrected Customizing settings are not recognized by the report. Use
                • the Project IMG for the analysis and logging of completed activities.
                  The report terminates and an error message appears.
                  • The error message indicates that the table is not being used and is not
                  • active. You should include the table in the list of defined exceptions.You can do this in the selection screen or add it at the end of thereport's source code.
                    The report terminates immediately when you try to process it as abackground job and the following error message appears "Job wasterminated after system exception
                    • The user is not authorized to use the report. See the section on
                    • security, data protection and authorization.
                      • The wrong entries were made on the selection screen. For example, a
                      • project number may not be accepted because it has already been used.
                        The report terminates or the output list results are not correctbecause the number of hits is wrong or a table was checked severaltimes.
                        • You probably started several reports at once. You should run one report
                        • at a time. It is, however, possible to start the report every twentyminutes, but this procedure should be avoided when possible.