Programme SAP CRM_XPRA_APPL_AREA_SWITCH - Switch from Application Area to Corresponding Bus.Object (XPRA)

CRM_XPRA_APPL_AREA_SWITCH - Switch from application area tobusiness-object

As a result of some slight changes in the customizing logic the valuesof the field 'application area' have to be changed. Instead of theformer values 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E' now the correspondingbusiness-object has to be used and therefore database changes have tobe made in several customizing- and system tables.


The report changes the values for the application area on the databaseas shown below:
Application area A -> BUS2000110
Application area B -> BUS2000111
Application area C -> BUS2000115
Application area D -> BUS2000116
Application area E -> BUS2201
Application areas that are not shown in the list above will not bechanged.