Programme SAP CRM_WR_BRF_GENERATE_EXP - Generating Web-Request Expressions

With this program, you generateWeb request expressions fora Web request or itsrequest category to use in the
Business Rule Framework (BR

You have specified:

  • the request category of a Web request

  • an application class and an implementing class for Web request
  • expressions (grouping of Web request fields into a BRF group isoptional)
    (See IMG activity Connect Business RuleFramework under section Activities).

    When executing the program run, you receive a list of all possible Webrequest expressions of a request category as a preselection. Web requestfields that have been characterized for use in the BRF in therequest data structuredefinition are selected for the generation as a Web request expression.You can select additional request fields in the list for the generation.
    The expression name of a Web request field, as standard, is composed ofthe ID of a request field and a prefix. The ID istaken from the request data structure and the key of the requestcategory is used as the prefix. You can overwrite both default values.
    Note that the expression name must be unique within the applicationclass. If you do not use a prefix, it can be the case that an expressionwith the same name already exists and then this is overwritten.
    Changes to this ID of a request field and the BRF-relevance of requestfields are transferred directly to the annotations of the request datastructure.

    You determine the BRF application class and if you like, the group inwhich the expressions are stored. The implementing class must besuitable for Web request expressions.
    With the request category, you determine which fields are required forthe BRF.

    In accordance with the data entered on the logon screen, as apreselection, a list of all request fields of a request category appear.You can make changes relating to BRF-relevance to the list, ID andprefix.
    Based on this list, you can generate Web request expressions. You areprovided with a generation log in which the expressions generated aredisplayed. SAP recommends that you start a simulation before theexpressions are generated in an actual run. If expressions areoverwritten, you can see this with the creation date or change date.
    At the same time as the manual creation of request expressions, data isused from Web request Customizing to create an expression. The eventtype is derived from the assigned data element.
    See also:
    With the report RBRF_OVERVIEW, you can get an overview of the BRFexpressions of an application class used.