Programme SAP CRM_WEC_PSP_ORDER_UPDATE - Process Incomplete Payment Service Provider Orders

You use this program to identify and process incomplete sales andservice orders that Web shop customers create using payment serviceproviders. The program invokes the payment service provider system using
BAdI: Integration of Payment ServiceProviders (COM_WEC_PSP_INTEGRATION).

If you run this program in production, the status of the selected ordersdetermines the result of the process. You can check and update orderswith mandatory information about the payment transaction to allow forfulfillment and invoicing. Alternatively, you can cancel an invalidorder by triggering a cancellation of a payment transaction in thepayment service provider system.
If the connection to the payment service provider system cannot be setup, the order must be reprocessed later.

You have made the settings in Customizing for Customer RelationshipManagement under SAP Web Channel Experience Management ->E-Commerce -> Payment Service Providers.


Check Payment
The program processes orders where the payment is requested. The programinvokes the payment service provider system using theGET_TRANSACTION_DETAILS method to get details on the paymenttransaction. The output is as follows:

  • If the payment transaction exists in the payment service provider
  • system, the program updates the order. The order can now be fulfilledand invoiced.
    • If the payment transaction is missing in the payment service provider
    • system, the program cancels the order. When running the program inproduction, we recommend that you enter a posting date no later than theday before the current date (for background jobs, save a variant usingdynamic date calculation as the selection variable). Otherwise, thesystem may cancel orders in progress on the current date.

      Update Payment
      The program processes orders where the payment is pending (fulfillmentand invoicing is not allowed). The program invokes the payment serviceprovider system using theGET_TRANSACTION_DETAILS method to get details on the paymenttransaction and to update the status of the payment transaction in theorder.

      Cancel Payment
      The program processes canceled orders where the payment has not beencanceled. The program invokes the payment service provider system usingthe following methods:


        The program gets details on the payment transaction of incompleteorders.

        • ON
          The program triggers a cancellation of the payment transaction, refundsthe payment, and updates the order.

          To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseE-Commerce -> Process Incomplete PSP Orders.